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A Comparison of Tuition Fees at Mississauga Private Schools


Choosing the right private school for your child in Mississauga involves several considerations, with tuition fees being a significant factor. Understanding the range of tuition fees can help parents make informed decisions about which school aligns best with their financial situation and educational expectations. This article compares tuition fees at various Mississauga private schools, offering insights into what parents can expect to pay for quality education in this vibrant city.

Overview of Mississauga Private Schools

Mississauga is home to a diverse array of private schools, each offering unique educational philosophies, curricula, and extracurricular activities. From Montessori schools to faith-based institutions and rigorous academic programs, parents have a wide selection to choose from. While tuition fees vary widely, they generally reflect the school's facilities, staff qualifications, and additional services such as extracurricular activities and special programs.

Factors Influencing Tuition Fees

Several factors influence the tuition fees at private schools in Mississauga:

  1. School Type: Montessori, IB, religious, and specialized academic schools often have different fee structures.
  2. Grade Level: Fees typically increase with higher grade levels, reflecting the more advanced and specialized instruction required.
  3. Facilities and Resources: Schools with state-of-the-art facilities, technology, and resources may charge higher fees.
  4. Extracurricular Programs: Extensive extracurricular offerings can increase tuition costs.
  5. Boarding Options: Schools offering boarding facilities generally have higher tuition to cover living expenses.

Tuition Fee Comparison

1. St. Jude's Academy

St. Jude's Academy is known for its IB program and strong academic focus.

  • Tuition Fees: Ranges from $15,000 to $25,000 per year.
  • Additional Costs: Registration fees, uniform costs, and extracurricular activity fees can add to the total cost.

2. Mississauga Christian Academy

This faith-based institution offers a balanced curriculum with a focus on Christian values.

  • Tuition Fees: Approximately $10,000 to $15,000 per year.
  • Additional Costs: Books, uniforms, and activity fees.

3. Sherwood Heights School

Sherwood Heights School emphasizes personalized learning and a strong academic foundation.

  • Tuition Fees: Around $12,000 to $20,000 per year.
  • Additional Costs: Field trips, extracurricular activities, and materials.

4. Lynn-Rose Heights Private School

Offering an enriched curriculum and various extracurricular activities, Lynn-Rose Heights caters to a wide range of student interests.

  • Tuition Fees: Between $14,000 and $22,000 per year.
  • Additional Costs: Activity fees, uniforms, and technology fees.

5. Oak Learners

A progressive school focusing on individualized learning plans and smaller class sizes.

  • Tuition Fees: Ranges from $8,000 to $15,000 per year.
  • Additional Costs: Educational materials and optional extracurricular activities.

6. Mentor College

Mentor College offers a comprehensive academic program with a wide range of extracurricular options.

  • Tuition Fees: Approximately $14,000 to $25,000 per year.
  • Additional Costs: Textbooks, uniforms, and extracurricular fees.


When comparing tuition fees at Mississauga private schools, it's essential to consider not only the base tuition but also additional costs that can significantly impact the overall expense. Each school offers unique benefits and opportunities, so parents should evaluate what aligns best with their child's needs and their family's financial situation. By understanding the range of tuition fees and what they cover, parents can make a well-informed decision about their child's education in Mississauga.

Choosing the right school is a significant decision, and while tuition fees are a crucial factor, they are just one piece of the puzzle. Parents should also consider the school's curriculum, values, facilities, and overall environment to ensure it is the best fit for their child.


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