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12 Key Dates for OUAC Ontario University Applications


Applying to universities in Ontario is a significant step in a student’s academic journey, and understanding the key dates for the Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OUAC) is crucial. Missing an important deadline can impact your chances of admission, so it’s essential to be well-informed. Here’s a comprehensive guide to the 12 key dates you need to keep in mind when applying to OUAC Ontario.

1. September: OUAC Application Opens

The OUAC application for Ontario universities typically opens in early September. This is when you can start exploring the available programs, preparing your application materials, and familiarizing yourself with the OUAC platform. Although it’s early, starting the process now gives you ample time to review all your options.

2. October 19: Deadline for University Information Day Events

By mid-October, many Ontario universities host information days and campus tours. These events are crucial for helping you decide which universities and programs are the best fit for you. While not a formal application deadline, ensuring that you attend these events before finalizing your application is important.

3. November: OUAC PIN Distribution

In November, high school students receive their OUAC Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) from their guidance counselors. This PIN is required to access the OUAC system and start your application. Make sure to keep this information safe.

4. January 15: Application Deadline for Ontario High School Students

The most critical deadline for current Ontario high school students is January 15. This is the final date to submit your OUAC application for equal consideration by Ontario universities. Late applications may still be considered, but they are subject to availability.

5. February 1: Document Submission Deadline

For those who need to submit additional documents, such as transcripts or reference letters, February 1 is the deadline. Ensure that all required documents are sent to the universities to which you’ve applied by this date.

6. March: Response to Early Offers

Some students may receive early offers of admission in March. If you receive an early offer, you should carefully consider your options, but you don’t need to respond immediately. Make sure you’re aware of the conditions of the offer and any relevant deadlines.

7. May 1: Deadline for Secondary School Students to Respond to Offers

May 1 is a key deadline for secondary school students to respond to early offers of admission. If you’ve received an offer and intend to accept it, you must do so by this date to secure your place.

8. May 29: Latest Date for Ontario Universities to Send Offers

By May 29, all Ontario universities are required to have sent their admission offers to applicants. If you haven’t received any offers by this date, it’s time to reassess your application strategy.

9. June 1: Deadline to Confirm Your Acceptance

If you received an offer by May 29, you must confirm your acceptance by June 1. Failing to do so may result in the loss of your spot, so it’s crucial to adhere to this deadline.

10. June: Final Grades Submission

In June, final high school grades are typically submitted to the universities. These grades are essential for confirming your offer of admission, so make sure they are sent promptly and accurately.

11. July 1: Deadline for Transcript Submission

For those not currently enrolled in an Ontario high school, July 1 is the deadline to submit your final transcripts to the universities. Missing this deadline could jeopardize your offer.

12. August: Registration and Orientation

By August, most universities will have registration and orientation information available. While these aren’t strict deadlines, registering early for your courses and attending orientation events will help you transition smoothly into university life.


Applying to Ontario universities through OUAC can be a complex process, but by staying aware of these key dates, you can ensure that your application is timely and complete. Mark these dates in your calendar, and give yourself the best possible chance of securing a spot at the university of your choice.

Remember, preparation is key, so start early, stay organized, and reach out to your guidance counselor if you need help navigating the OUAC Ontario application process.


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