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High School in Mississauga with Strong Arts Programs


Mississauga, a thriving city in Ontario, offers an impressive array of high schools that cater to students with diverse talents and academic goals. For students with a passion for the arts, there are several high schools in Mississauga that provide robust arts programs designed to foster creativity, artistic expression, and technical skills. In this article, we will explore the benefits of attending a high school in Mississauga with strong arts programs and highlight some top schools that emphasize the arts.

Why Choose a High School in Mississauga with a Strong Arts Program?

The arts play a crucial role in developing critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills. High schools in Mississauga with dedicated arts programs often offer students access to specialized facilities, experienced teachers, and opportunities for extracurricular activities that nurture their creative potential. Here are some benefits of attending a high school with a strong focus on the arts:

1. Enhanced Creativity and Expression

Students in arts programs have the opportunity to explore various forms of creative expression, including visual arts, drama, music, and dance. High schools with strong arts programs encourage students to think outside the box, experiment with new ideas, and develop their unique artistic voices.

2. Access to Specialized Facilities

High schools in Mississauga with established arts programs often have state-of-the-art facilities that include studios, theaters, and music rooms equipped with the latest technology. These facilities provide students with the tools and space needed to fully immerse themselves in their chosen discipline.

3. Experienced and Dedicated Teachers

Many high schools with strong arts programs attract experienced educators who are passionate about their craft. These teachers often have industry experience and are well-versed in guiding students through artistic development while offering mentorship and support.

4. Extracurricular Opportunities

High schools in Mississauga with a strong focus on the arts typically offer extracurricular opportunities such as school plays, concerts, art exhibitions, and dance recitals. These activities provide students with a platform to showcase their work and collaborate with like-minded peers.

5. Pathways to Post-Secondary Arts Education

For students interested in pursuing a career in the arts, high schools with strong programs often provide a pathway to post-secondary institutions specializing in creative disciplines. Guidance counselors can help students prepare portfolios, auditions, and applications for top arts schools.

Top High Schools in Mississauga with Strong Arts Programs

1. Cawthra Park Secondary School

Cawthra Park Secondary School is renowned for its Regional Arts Program (RAP), which offers specialized instruction in dance, drama, music (vocal and instrumental), and visual arts. Students are selected through auditions and interviews, ensuring a high level of commitment and talent within the program. Cawthra Park provides access to advanced facilities such as a dedicated dance studio, theater, and music practice rooms, allowing students to hone their skills in a professional environment.

2. Port Credit Secondary School

Port Credit Secondary School is another high school in Mississauga known for its strong focus on the arts. Its specialized program in music allows students to participate in instrumental, vocal, and jazz ensembles. The school also offers visual arts and drama programs, encouraging students to explore their creativity in a range of artistic fields. Port Credit Secondary is well-regarded for its vibrant arts culture, with many students actively participating in school performances and art exhibitions.

3. John Fraser Secondary School

John Fraser Secondary School provides students with a comprehensive arts education that includes visual arts, drama, and music. The school has a robust music program with opportunities for students to join choirs, bands, and orchestras. Drama students at John Fraser also benefit from a dedicated theater space where they can participate in school productions, further enhancing their acting and stagecraft skills.

4. Applewood Heights Secondary School

Applewood Heights Secondary School offers an enriched arts program that focuses on visual arts, drama, and dance. The school encourages interdisciplinary learning by integrating various art forms into the curriculum. Applewood Heights is also known for its student-driven arts initiatives, allowing young artists to collaborate and create unique works.

5. Streetsville Secondary School

Streetsville Secondary School is another top choice for students interested in the arts. The school offers a wide range of courses in visual arts, music, and drama. Streetsville Secondary regularly hosts performances and art showcases, giving students numerous opportunities to share their artistic talents with the broader community.

How to Choose the Right High School in Mississauga for Arts

When selecting a high school in Mississauga with a strong arts program, it's essential to consider the following factors:

1. Program Specializations

Different schools may offer various specializations within the arts, such as visual arts, drama, music, or dance. Consider which discipline you or your child is most passionate about and choose a school that offers a strong program in that area.

2. Admission Requirements

Some arts programs in Mississauga require auditions, portfolios, or interviews as part of the admission process. Be sure to research the requirements for each school and prepare accordingly.

3. Facilities and Resources

High schools with dedicated arts programs often have specialized facilities such as theaters, studios, and practice rooms. Visit the schools you are considering to tour these facilities and ensure they meet your needs.

4. Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular activities like theater productions, music ensembles, and art clubs provide valuable opportunities for students to practice their craft outside the classroom. Look for a school that offers a range of extracurricular arts activities.

5. Pathways to Further Education

If you are considering pursuing a career in the arts, choose a high school with a proven track record of preparing students for post-secondary arts programs. Guidance counselors at these schools can assist with portfolio development and application processes for arts institutions.


Mississauga offers a variety of high schools with strong arts programs designed to nurture students' creativity and artistic talents. Whether you're interested in visual arts, music, drama, or dance, high schools like Cawthra Park Secondary School, Port Credit Secondary School, and others provide exceptional opportunities for artistic growth. By choosing a high school in Mississauga with a strong arts program, students can develop their skills, pursue their passions, and prepare for future success in the arts.


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